Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Aggression: Essential in Turbo SnGs

I apologize for not making the first post as promised last night. I ran out of time after a long night at work.

This blog is mainly targeted around my SnG of choice which happens to be the low limit 6man Turbo NL Hold‘em. I have discovered that my play style fits these SnG’s extremely well. My first tip is aggression in the early levels. Before the blinds go up I raise a lot pre-flop, I rarely call with any hand pre-flop because having the lead in the hand is so important. I find that 8 times out of 10, a pre-flop raise followed by a continuation bet is enough to take down the pot. Also at these levels, if you miss the flop and get played back at, folding your hand will not cost you as much as 1BB only represents a small portion of your stack. If you can employ this strategy and can get an early chip lead, you will put yourself in great position to cash which is so very important in SnG’s to maintain a positive ROI (Return on Investment).

See below how important getting an early lead is. In the Hand History below you can see that because I was able to knock someone out in the first hand and double my stack, I was able to use my chips to lean on everyone else and took down the entire table in 21 hands.


djs1070 said...

Wow 21 hands seem pretty amazing. Is this normal for turbo sng's.

Were you hiting the flops or just c/betting and using your aggression?

Did you ever play standard sng's, if so is the transition to turbos hard?

nice game

Anonymous said...

Do you find people will adjust and play back at you with a loose PrF call / flop CR all-in?
How much are you raising PrF (3x?), then how much are you c-betting?

How frequently do you raise early?
What strength hand will you felt with post flop early? TP weak kicker?

Just asking.

dh098017 said...

I will post my pokertracker stats if I remember tonight so you can get a better idea of how crazy I am :)